This week I’ve been doing two things:
1. WRITING ON THE CREED BOOK. I am taking a break right now half way through the next to last chapters---after today I should only have one more chapter to finish my first draft. I send these drafts to Chris Bounds so he can set me straight where I’ve missed something or gotten my doctrine wrong. Chris specialized in orthodoxy—so I should be safe in what I’m saying. (However, the book will spark controversy nonetheless since many “Sunday school Christians” depart from orthodoxy at points like the full divinity and humanity of Jesus, the equality of Jesus with the Father and Holy Spirit, and the resurrection of the body. I am writing on the resurrection and ascension of Christ today—half done now at 2PM.
2. I’VE BEEN REPLACING INCANDESCENT BULBS IN MY HOUSE thanks to Adam Thada’s “witnessing” to me. We actually did this in the early 1990s—maybe about 12 years ago but over time we
switched out those bulbs for incandescent bulbs for various reasons. They didn’t fit in lamps under the hoops, they were too large to put in enclosed globes in this older house (we bought them for a new house in Indy), and they were so dull we could not read by them. However the newer bulbs are great. They are small enough to fit almost anywhere. They are brighter—even some the equivalent of 100 or 150 watt incandescent bulbs—yet using far fewer watts. And the best news is they are cheaper. The dull-big-bulbs we bought in the early 1990s cost us about $20 per bulb (they all still work) but these newer bulbs cost only a few bucks each—and given their almost-eternal life the cost per year is actually lower. I am only part way finished, having to replace the rheostat switches with flip switches here and there, but I’m happy. IN some cases we have MORE light for LESS wattage. Thanks Adam for the witness.

Ahhh... you must be a disciple now if you are evangelizing others :)
If you want to ditch those old bulbs (that still work!?) I know a non-profit org. that could probably use them... :)
I am a returning disciple... I paid the cost of being an "early adopter" in getting dim over-priced F. bulbs almost 15 year ago when you were in elementary school ;-) Just getting back now with the improvements..
ON the other hand, if some of us had not paid $20 for those bulbs back jump-starting the market maybe we would not have the improved bulbs for today?
The bulbs are a good thing--but what really matters most to me is the total use footprint... and here in Indiana heat is the bigger culprit there...
In Indianapolis I had the total footprint @ less than 3 cents per square foot per month, and less than $25 per person per month. That's been harder to do in Marion with an older home, higher energy prices and only two people--I'm at 4 cents and $40 PP now. HOWEVER I've made more than that up on gasoline usage.
When you get your own house next year and pay all utilities then we'll race ;-)
OK Adam I've made the 100% switch--Weill there are still two incan. bulbs I've not replaced... they are destined to die later.
Water heater blanket (& timer?) are next.
The trouble for me is this: "I can afford it." that is saving money is not a good enough motivation here. So competing is my motivation--so when you move start recording your footprint and I'll race you.
Of course though "I" can afford the energy WE cannot--that is the wee collectively of the USA and the world population--so that is also a motivation, I know I know.
Keith if you really want to get serious then forget the water heater blanket and get a tankless water heater. That way you are only heating water when you need it instead of burning all that fuel keeping water warm 24/7/365.
I had one installed at my last home and I was very pleased with it. Of course it would have taken me about ten years to absorb the cost. ;-) But then again, if it's about not about the cost but about competing or about the principle of saving resources then it's a good thing.
Just a thought from another competative resource saver.
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