Lynn is a can-do person. When she was flying for an interview at First Wesleyan Church in Tuscaloosa, Alabama her flight was cancelled half way there. Lynn didn’t whine or blame the airlines. She simply searched for and found another stranded flyer and rented a car together and showed up on time for her interview anyway! That’s the sort of can-do spirit one expects of a job applicant.
She got the job and has been in charge of Children’s ministries at the church for about a year and a half already. Four of the seven pastors are IWU grads so she gets to work with other IWU alums. Lynn always did “above and beyond” work in every class I had her in…and she is still doing that in her work at the Tuscaloosa. She’s doing a great job and I’m proud of her. She is my “joy and crown.”
For what is our hope, our joy, or the crown in which we will glory in the presence of our Lord Jesus when he comes? Is it not you? 1 Thessalonians 2:19 (NIV)
I like this series. Keep them up.
You bet Kerry--reminds us what we are all about!
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