Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Cutting myself

I've been rewriting Holiness for Ordinary people for the 25th anniversary edition (third edition ) coming out this summer. The book has four new chapters and the style and tone of the rest is being changed significantly. I've been working on it all semester and have dedicated my Christmas break to finishing the work to send it in by the January 9 due date.

So the last three days I've been doing the painful work of cutting --getting a 60,000 word manuscript down to 55,000 words. that means cutting 5000 precious words out of what I've written... OUCH! I just finished the third trip through the mss. "cutting myself" and have got it trimmed below 55,000... so I'm taking the rest of the day off...I think I'll go do something sweaty.

Here is my latest word count after self-cutting. (red chapters are new)

1003 Preface ..... to 1st, 2nd and 3rds editions
4361 Chapter 1 Sanctification Overview
3587 Chapter 2 It’s Everywhere
2679 Chapter 3 Seven Approaches to Holiness
1783 Chapter 4 Sanctification and Sex

1758 Chapter 5 Sanctification and healing
3577 Chapter 6 Images of Sanctification
4443 Chapter 7 Growing toward Entire Sanctification
3551 Chapter 8 God’s Part in Sanctification
3373 Chapter 9 Our Part In Sanctification
3106 Chapter 10 How to Know You Are Sanctified
2372 Chapter 11 Continual Cleansing
3349 Chapter 12 Understanding the Sanctified Life
2945 Chapter 13 Sidetracks from Holiness
3632 Chapter 14 A sanctified Church
5206 Chapter 15 Personal Testimonies
1040 Afterword
1427 Glossary of Terms
53,192 TOTAL WORDS (target word budget = 55,000)

OK I knmow this is irrelevant to whomever stumbled across it... but I needed to tell someone I told my personal blog ;-)


Pastor Al said...

Greetings Keith,

Had plans to teach from your book in about three weeks (as we discussed in your other blog.) The summer release would postpone my effort because of the natural rotations of vacations, VBS, children's camps etc.

There seems to be substantial changes in four chapters. Have you reworked every chapter?

I will carefully compare the new release with the see if there are shifts in your thinking. I have taught from your book on two occassions...during the Sunday school hour.

Golden Seaton's 'Leaders Guide...' provided direct scriptual support and outline ideas for effective learning experiences. Holiness is very foreign to Christians not cultured in 'Wesleyan World.' They trust the authority of scripture and it remains the essential source of authority as we explore this doctrine. many of my students 'pre-read their lesson' before class. It has been esxential to bring additional material to the classroom for the eager.

As a sidenote, the direct response to your blog supporting 'Common Ground' was disappointing. I posted and then waited for others to follow suit. I wonder if blogs are for aging Boomers.?.

"Cutting myself' is apt for a special child, of your flesh and soul, named "Holiness for Ordinary People." Take good care of her until we all have the good fortune of enjoying her 'coming out' party.

Keith Drury said...

AL.... well it is scheduled to come out this summer--but one never knows with publishing... so doing the "old" one may be best for now... sometimes a completed manuscript sits for 1-2 years on the editor's desk before being published....

to some of your questions:
YES the insides are revised... mostly a new "tone" since the book was first written to those who "believed but did not understand"... as you know today's audience has far More folk in it who do not even believe Holiness is it is more convincing yet soft in the convincing approach.

Actually there are FIVE new chapters now... one by my wife Sharon called "holiness and gender" with special attention to how holiness often plays out differently for is a great chapter!

As to shifts... I tend to be in the "shorter way" camp with Phoebe Palmer, though most of my denomination's leaders are ion the middle way(where Steve Deneff is) and even the "longer way" camp... I review all these approaches in the new chapter on 7 approaches... admitting the book "tilts" to the end of the spectrum--especially the final two approached (middle and shorter ways).

WPH plans to refine and re-release the leader's guide--I think they plan to make it available as a free download even...

Pastor Al said...

Thanks Keith,

Think I am going to go 'full speed ahead' with the class. Dr. Phil Bence is going to be at the Goldsboro Wesleyan Church(NC)January 21-25. He introduced me to your book through a FLAME course.

A downloaded Leader's Guide makes sense in the electronic publishing age. Reminds me of your posts on the changes in publishing. We are becoming quite progressive. I have a wish list entry to attend one of those WHP writer's conferences.

You allowed me to visit during office hours between classes, when I came for my residential at IWU (a solid year ago). Instances like that have proven of great personal that courtesy was a direct application of the spirit of holiness.

I'll buy your lunch if they don't publish your revision in 2009!

Pastor Al said...


We are on Chapter Seven of your old text...Our Part in Sanctification. Have shared that new material is coming out shortly. They are responding quite well to the tried and true.

I'm taking Holiness MIN543 from IWU. Guess what one of our textbooks is? This gives me another backup copy for the Sunday School class.

How do I get a signed copy of the new 'Holiness for Ordinary People'? we are moving through the 'old' inventory!
